Designing physical and digital products involves a parallel approach in some stages, rooted in design thinking, user research, prototyping, and usability testing. The intricate process focuses on crafting solutions seamlessly integrated into users' lives. Here, I showcase some physical products because the principles learned in designing them significantly contribute to my digital design expertise.


Drawing a vermicomposter was an exciting challenge, given my passion for plants. The brief, though demanding due to various production constraints, became even more intricate as the product, designed for growing edible vegetables, had to meet strict material compliance standards.

Client: Noocity
Design: Filipa Mendes and Gustavo Macedo
Year: 2017

Develop a dismountable vermicomposter suitable for use on three sizes of the Noocity Growbeds, enabling the production of high-quality compost. The product should also be designed to be sent in a flat case for efficient shipping.


A vermicomposter crafted from laser-cut stainless steel plates, assembled with tabs and grooves. The roof-shaped lid ensures effective water drainage, meeting 'flat case' criteria and food safety standards.



© Photos: Noocity

Coat Stand

Pendura is one of the products I love most in the Galula collection. The reason I cherish it so much is because it embodies its essence, refined yet highly functional and beautiful.

To design a coat stand that aligns with the brand identity of the Galula collection. The piece should exude a sense of playfulness while maintaining a minimalistic design, ensuring ease of shipment abroad.



A minimalistic design piece composed of three wooden blocks with carved notches. The piece effortlessly stands on the wall without the need for screws. The five available colors complement the Galula product collection.

© Photos: Filipa Mendes

Time Capsule

Invited by Barbara Coutinho, the curator of the MUDE Museum, Galula brand was challenged to design a Time Capsule for the upcoming kickoff of the official commemorations of the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution.

Design a time capsule, capable of during 50 years and storage a couple of objects. It should be in a sustainable material.


With only 4 weeks to design, produce and deliver we opted to adapt an exitence product of Galula collection.


© Photos: Cláudia Teixeira

Chair & Table

The brief to design this chair and table was very interesting, because we had to respond to a space already designed by FAHR 021.3. The chair shape has to work well when placed with multiple ones. The table has to work with single use or joined with other. We apply to the same colors pallete as the space, to a better blend and not stand out to much.

Client: FAHR 021.3
Design: Filipa Mendes
and Gustavo Macedo
Year: 2016

The challenge of designing this chair and table was compelling, given the need to complement an existing space crafted by FAHR 021.3. The chair's design had to ensure harmonious arrangements when placed together. The table, versatile for single or joined use, was intended for various scenarios.


To a perfect adoption of these pieces to the space we choose to make it by matching the colors to the space. In the design we opted to a wire stucture of the chair and table to give a sense of lighting alied with a rounded wood shapes.


Client: Galula
Design: Filipa Mendes and Gustavo Macedo
Year: 2014

© Photos: Porto Inovation Hub

More Physical Products that I designed.