
As a co-creator and creative director of the Galula brand, I was responsible for shaping Galula’s creative vision, brand aesthetics, identity, and essence, as well as co-designing the physical products. Throughout this journey, I discovered my passion for digital products and subsequently developed the brand's ecommerce website.


The primary challenge was to translate Galula's distinctive brand personality and style into an online shopping experience that catered to both B2C and B2B clients. The goal was to create an ecommerce platform where the brand's fun and vibrant identity was palpable, ensuring that users could effortlessly discover products tailored to their diverse needs.


The result was a bespoke ecommerce platform that resonated with Galula's unique brand identity. We saw a significant increase in user engagement, with measurable improvements in session duration and a decrease in bounce rates. The website has successfully attracted both B2C and B2B clients, facilitating a more intuitive product discovery process and strengthening brand loyalty. The platform not only showcases Galula's products but also tells the brand's story, inviting users into the world of Galula.

Lean Canvas

To iterate more rapidly on business ideas and align Galula's strategy, the Lean Canvas was essential. It enabled me to structure both user goals and business objectives.


I aimed to create a space that truly connects with the users. To do this, I outlined two key personas, each highlighting different needs and journeys on this platform.

The B2B Persona

Marta Silva
38 years


Marta Silva is the founder and lead designer of a boutique interior design studio in Porto, known for its bold and imaginative spaces. Her projects often include commercial spaces like restaurants, cafes, and boutique hotels, each characterized by a unique theme and storytelling through design. Marta is always on the hunt for distinctive, high-quality products that can be customized to fit the specific aesthetic and functional requirements of her projects.

Pains and Needs

  • To source unique and customizable furniture and decor items that will make her design projects stand out.

  • To find a reliable supplier that offers detailed information on product design, including colors, materials, and customization options, directly on their website.

  • To streamline the sourcing and purchasing process for design projects, ensuring timely delivery and adherence to project timelines.

Potential Solutions

  • Struggling to find unique products that are not available in mainstream stores.

  • Finding vendors who offer the option to customize product dimensions, colors, and materials.

  • Lack of detailed product information, including environmental credentials, that can be easily accessed online, complicating project proposals and client presentations.

The B2C Persona

João Dinis
37 years


João Pereira is a forward-thinking digital marketer with a passion for minimalist design and sustainability. Living in a sleek, contemporary apartment, he aims to curate a space that reflects his love for simplicity, functionality, and the beauty of Nordic design. João is meticulous about the quality and origin of the items he chooses for his home, preferring to invest in products that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also tell a story of craftsmanship and ethical production.

Pains and Needs

  • Finding a variety of unique, minimalist design products that meet his ethical and aesthetic standards.

  • Encountering ecommerce platforms that lack comprehensive product information, including sustainability practices and material origins.

  • Balancing his desire for high-quality, sustainable design pieces with budget constraints.

Potential Solutions

  • To enhance his living space with unique, high-quality design pieces that embody minimalist aesthetics.

  • To find an online shopping platform that offers detailed insights into the products' materials, origins, and sustainability.

  • To make informed purchases that align with his minimalist lifestyle and commitment to environmental responsibility.


To assist in reframing the problem and identifying the most suitable solution, I utilize the "How Might We" (HMW) as a guiding principle:

How might we design an intuitive and engaging ecommerce experience for Galula that captures the brand's unique personality, facilitates seamless product customization, and meets the distinct needs of B2C and B2B clients, enhancing their ability to find and tailor products for their specific projects and lifestyles?

User Testing

After implementing the e-commerce site, I used the Hotjar tool to check overall user behavior and confirm if the objectives were being accomplished:

  • Do B2C users understand the path to their goal?

  • Are they easily finding the type of product they are looking for?

  • Do B2B clients have all the information they need for their projects?

The Mobile version of the Site

The Desktop version of the Site

Some Personal Notes

In my professional journey, alongside certainties, I always encounter many doubts. Far from being obstacles, these uncertainties drive me to seek the best solutions and answers.

While showcasing my work as a Digital Product Designer for this project, the question arose of whether it made sense to include other aspects of my contribution to building Galula brand such as photography, social media curation, Physical Products Design that I publish here. Although it might seem to deviate from the main mission of highlighting my quality as a Digital Product Designer, I realized that this opportunity could unveil other skills that complement my role as a designer.

In the decision-making process, I balanced the possibility of providing a more comprehensive view of my work, including product photographs and the aesthetics of Instagram posts, considering how these elements contribute to the visual narrative and user experience. This multifaceted approach reflects not only my ability as a Digital Product Designer but also my capacity to create a cohesive and appealing brand presence. After all, in a diverse digital world, versatility often translates into differentiation and lasting impact.


When it comes to visually presenting a product, incorporating various perspectives adds a compelling layer to its showcase. Whenever I feel that I can contribute in this aspect to the products I design, I genuinely enjoy sharing my viewpoint through photography. Capturing products intended for sale is particularly crucial, as it plays a pivotal role in their presentation and overall appeal.

This image featuring two cork stools significantly boosted sales of similar sets. From what I understand, people appreciate being shown ideas for usability.

Social Media

Instagram remains a pivotal digital channel for brand showcasing. While Instagram posts may have somewhat lost the spotlight to videos or reels, I firmly believe that, when curiosity sparks and the desire to delve deeper into a beloved brand arises, users often turn to explore the brand's Instagram page.

In curating the aesthetics for @galulastudio's page, my intention was to craft a visual narrative through colors. Although the focus on videos and reels is undeniable, the enduring appeal of a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed remains unmatched. Each post connects seamlessly through a palette of colors, offering viewers a delightful journey through the brand's story. As users scroll, they're treated to a cascade of beautiful product images, all contributing to a harmonious and visually engaging brand narrative.